Here is what you'll need:
Servings: 6-8
1 boneless chuck roast, 3-4 lb
Salt & pepper to taste
1/4 cup flour
3 tablespoons canola oil
4 tablespoons butter
10 pepperoncini
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1/4 teaspoon dried dill
1/8 teaspoon paprika
Fresh parsley for garnish
1. Dredge the chuck roast in flour, salt, and pepper, and massage it into the meat.
2. In a skillet on a very high heat, brown the meat on all sides in the canola oil to create a crust.
3. Transfer the meat to a crock pot and top with butter and pepperoncini.
4. Cover the crock pot and set it to low.
5. In a small bowl, mix the mayonnaise, vinegar, dill, and paprika until well combined.
6. Spread over the meat, and cook on low for 8 hours.
7. Remove the roast and shred with two forks.
8. Return meat to the crock pot, and stir to mix in the juices. Serve with fresh parsley.
Inspired by: http://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/10...
Servings: 6-8
1 boneless chuck roast, 3-4 lb
Salt & pepper to taste
1/4 cup flour
3 tablespoons canola oil
4 tablespoons butter
10 pepperoncini
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar
1/4 teaspoon dried dill
1/8 teaspoon paprika
Fresh parsley for garnish
1. Dredge the chuck roast in flour, salt, and pepper, and massage it into the meat.
2. In a skillet on a very high heat, brown the meat on all sides in the canola oil to create a crust.
3. Transfer the meat to a crock pot and top with butter and pepperoncini.
4. Cover the crock pot and set it to low.
5. In a small bowl, mix the mayonnaise, vinegar, dill, and paprika until well combined.
6. Spread over the meat, and cook on low for 8 hours.
7. Remove the roast and shred with two forks.
8. Return meat to the crock pot, and stir to mix in the juices. Serve with fresh parsley.
Inspired by: http://cooking.nytimes.com/recipes/10...
All music provided by Audio Network and Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Mississippi Roast [Tasty]

Menú para el día de la madre.
Camarones borrachos:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vx7YZ...
Pétalos de papa:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Z2jK...
Volcán de chocolate:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2ov88...
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Recetas para Día de la Madre - Menú para mamá [Cocina al Natural]

Here is what you'll need!
Makes 8
16 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
1 tablespoons garlic powder
¼ cup chives, chopped
1 cup provolone cheese, shredded
4 strips cooked bacon, crumbled
8 boneless pork chops
2 cups flour
3 eggs, beaten
2 cups Panko breadcrumbs
4 tablespoons canola oil
1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. In a large bowl, combine cream cheese, pepper, garlic powder, chives, provolone, and bacon, stirring until thoroughly mixed. Set aside
3. Season all sides of the pork chops with salt and pepper. Carefully cut a pocket through the side of the pork chop in order to create a cavity. Stuff the cavity with a generous spoonful of the cream cheese mixture and press around the edges of the pork to seal it in. Repeat with the remaining pork chops.
4. Dip the stuffed pork chops in the flour, shaking off excess, then the egg, then the breadcrumbs. Repeat with the remaining pork chops.
5. Heat the oil in a pan over medium heat. Fry the pork chops for about one to two minutes, then flip. Remove from heat and bake for 15-20 minutes, until cheese is bubbly starting to brown. Serve!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Garlic Herb-Stuffed Pork Chops [Tasty]

En esta receta os enseñamos a hacer una riquísima Tarta de Mousse de Chocolate y Nutella. Su baño de chocolate brillante es de pastelería profesional y da un acabado y una textura inigualables. Lo bueno de esta cobertura es que la podemos preparar con antelación y luego volver a calentarla a 40º para bañar cualquier tipo de tarta, ya sea mousse o bizcocho. En resumen, queda una tarta deliciosa!!
Más postres con NUTELLA: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Más postres con CHOCOLATE: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Más recetas de TARTAS: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Más postres SIN HORNO: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
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Aprende con este vídeo a como hacer unos cupcakes de chocolate con un frosting o buttercream de mantequilla de cacahuete o maní. Estos riquísimos cupcakes los aprendí a hacer en el taller de Alma Obregón y son un regalo ideal para el día de la madre.
Cocina con carmen: https://www.youtube.com/user/cocinaca...
La receta está explicada paso a paso y de forma sencilla, para que os sea fácil hacerla. ¡Seguro que os saldrá deliciosa!
Espero que os guste y si tenéis alguna duda u opinión la dejéis en los comentarios.
Un saludo y hasta la próxima!
Cocina para Todos
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Cupcakes de Chocolate con Mantequilla de Cacahuete o Maní [Cocina Para Todos]

Here is what you'll need!
Waffle Grilled Cheese
Makes 4 sandwiches
2 cups waffle mix
1 Tbsp. minced rosemary (fresh or dried)
1 egg
2 Tbsp. vegetable oil
1 1/3 cup milk
8 oz sliced sharp cheddar cheese
1. In a large bowl, combine waffle mix, rosemary, egg, oil, and milk. Stir until well combined.
2. Pour about 1/2 cup of the batter into the waffle iron (Amount may vary based on the size of the waffle iron). Cook until the waffle is golden brown.
3. Add slices of cheese on half of the waffle. Carefully, fold the other half on top and close the lid. Cook until the cheese is melted.
4. Serve & enjoy!
Music provided by Audio Network. Used with permission
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Waffle Grilled Cheese [Tasty]

Recetas para niños
Esquites caseros:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ENZJM...
Pechugas rellenas de plátano macho:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UQK_F...
Pastel de mango y zanahoria:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j2NUE...
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Recetas prácticas y ricas para niños - Menú infantil [Cocina al Natural]

Here is what you'll need!
Makes 1
1 bread boule
1 cup marinara sauce
8 ounces fresh mozzarella
6 ounces pepperoni
½ onion, sliced
½ cup basil
1 cup cooked sausage
1 green bell pepper, sliced
1 cup white cheddar, shredded
1. Preheat oven to 350°F.
2. Slice the top of the bread boule off and remove the insides. Spread ½ cup of the marinara on the bottom of the boule, then layer with half of the mozzarella, five ounces of the pepperoni, onions, basil, sausage, peppers, the other ½ cup of marinara, the remaining mozzarella, half of the white cheddar, and place the cap of the bread boule on top.
3. Wrap the bread bowl in foil, then press with a heavy object for 30 minutes. Remove the foil, and sprinkle the remaining cheddar and pepperoni on top. Bake for 30 minutes, until cheese is golden brown. Cool for 10 minutes, slice, then serve!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Pizza Bread Bowl [Tasty]

Here is what you'll need!
Serves 4
4 strawberries
2 1-ounce bags cotton candy
2 limes
⅓ cup vodka
⅔ cup rosé wine
⅔ cup champagne
1. Make 4-5 cuts along the length of the strawberry, starting from the pointed end until just before the stem end. Fan the slices apart with your fingers, and set aside.
2. Separate the cotton candy into two balls. Cut a slit in the center and push the fanned strawberry inside, sealing up the hole afterwards.
3. Slice half of the lime into rounds, saving the other half for later. Make a single cut on each lime slice, starting from the center and cutting through the rind.
4. In a large pitcher or jug, mix the vodka and rose. Squeeze the juice from reserved lime half into the mixture, then add champagne.
5. Place the strawberry-stuffed cotton candy balls into two separate martini glasses.
6. Place the lime slices on the side of the glass.
7. Pour the drink mixture around the sides of the cotton candy in a circular motion, and watch it dissolve to reveal the strawberry inside!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
All music provided by Audio Network and Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Strawberry Cotton Candy Cocktail [Tasty]

Una receta super sencilla de ensalada de gulas, con un toque picantillo y unos tostones de pan frito ¡os va a encantar!
SUSCRIBETE: https://goo.gl/c1mGbj
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Ensalada templada de gulas y escarola [MeHueleAQuemao]

Jugo o Zumo para limpiar el colon y perder peso en 7 días, un fácil y sano zumo que nos limpia por dentro gracias a la fibra y nos aporta los beneficios de todos sus ingredientes, como la aloe vera con más de 80 beneficios para nuestra salud.
1 Rodaja de Piña
1/2 Pepino
1 Manzana (Roja o Verde)
3 Dedos de Aloe Vera
El Zumo de 1 Naranja
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Idea de Zumos en: www.cositasfemeninas.com
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Jugo o Zumo para Perder Peso y limpiar el colon [Recetas de Cocina Fáciles y rápidas de Cocinero Universitario]

Cheese Brownie o Brownie con tarta de queso (Cheesecake) en la serie Caprichos de #Gordor ¡SUSCRÍBETE a nuestro canal! http://bit.ly/198Cnxl
En esta receta #Gordor, Gonzalo prepara un postre: Cheese Brownie, un dulce americano que une dos especialidades “made in USA”, el New York Cheesecake y el Brownie de chocolate. Un postre americano muy #Gordor, y perfecto para cualquier celebración. Y tú, ¿qué prefieres, NYC Cheesecake, Brownie o la mezcla de ambas?
Caprichos de #Gordor es la nueva serie de Canal Cocina para YouTube, protagonizada por Gonzalo D’Ambrosio, presentador en el canal de televisión de Fácil y resultón y de Un trío en la cocina. El chef argentino nos abre las puertas de su casa para cocinar sus caprichos de #Gordor, el hashtag que define todas y cada una de las recetas preparadas por este genio de los fogones. Caprichos dulces, ideas para desayunar, tapas y picoteo con los amigos y muchas sorpresas, con apariciones estelares del mundo de Gonzalo D'Ambrosio.
Puedes encontrar la receta completa en nuestra web canalcocina.es:
Puedes encontrar todas las recetas de la serie en nuestra web CanalCocina.es: http://canalcocina.es/programa/capric...
Además, puedes ver todos los vídeos de esta serie Caprichos de #Gordor en nuestra playlist oficial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zbz8g...
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Canal Cocina es el único canal de televisión en España especializado en gastronomía. La comida nos une en Canal Cocina.
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Nuevas publicaciones en nuestro canal de YouTube cada martes y viernes. Los viernes a las 12h siempre estrenamos un episodio de nuestra serie exclusiva para YouTube mientras que los martes a las 12h encontrarás un contenido extraído de nuestro canal de televisión: nuevas recetas, visitas a restaurantes, viajes gastronómicos… todo con Calidad HD.
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Cheese Brownie (Receta) | Caprichos de #Gordor [Canal Cocina]

¿Sabías que puedes hacer Masa de pizza a la plancha? Pues bien, descubre aquí cómo hacerlo de una forma fácil y sencilla y sobre todo, exquisita!
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Masa de pizza a la plancha [Recetas de Cocina Casera]

Cómo preparar un estupendo suflé de chocolate, mucho más fácil de hacer de lo que parece. Una auténtica delicia para los amantes del chocolate. Receta paso a paso.
Receta adaptada de las que vi en Worldwide Culinary Apprentice y Martha Stewart.
85 g de chocolate negro 70%
6 g de cacao en polvo sin azúcar
1 yema
4 claras
40 g de mantequilla
35 g de azúcar
15 g de mantequilla (para los moldes)
Azúcar (para los moldes)
Post: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/2016/04...
Tabla de equivalencias: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/p/tabla...
Mis utensilios de cocina: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/p/donde...
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SOUFFLÉ DE CHOCOLATE | Las Recetas de MJ [Las Recetas de MJ]

Receta de sándwich de pollo casero, ideal para celebrar a los niños.
Imprime la receta en:http://cocinaycomparte.com/recipes/sa...
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Música: http://www.andresvil.com/
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Sándwich de pollo con queso [Cocina al Natural]

Here is what you'll need!
1 large egg, beaten 1/2 cup light brown sugar
1/4 cup granulated sugar
1/2 cup butter, softened 1/4 cup sour cream (Greek yogurt may be substituted)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
2 ripe bananas
1 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon baking powder
Cream Cheese Filling
1 large egg
4 ounces softened cream cheese (1/2 block)
1/4 cup granulated sugar 3 tablespoons all-purpose flour
1. Preheat oven to 350F (180C)
2. To prepare the bread, combine egg, sugars, butter, sour cream and vanilla in a large mixing bowl. Whisk together. Add the bananas and mash together.
3. Add flour, baking powder, baking soda and mix lightly to combine. Set aside.
4. To prepare the cream cheese filling, mix egg, cream cheese, sugar, and flour in a small bowl.
5. To assemble the muffins, spoon a layer of bread batter into a greased muffin tin. Then spoon a layer of cream cheese filling, then top off with another layer of bread batter.
6. Bake for 20-25 minutes. Baking times may vary. Muffins are done when a tooth pick inserted in the center comes out clean.
7. Allow muffins to cool for 15 mins.
8. Enjoy!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Cream Cheese–Filled Banana Bread Muffins [Tasty]

Here is what you'll need!
Servings: 4
3 cups crusty bread for ~1 ½ cups of breadcrumbs
1 cup grated parmesan
1/2 cup ricotta cheese
8 oz of cooked spinach
1/4 cup of olive oil
1 egg
1 tsp of salt
1 cup of milk
6 oz fontina cheese, cubed
flour for dusting
1 ½ tablespoons olive oil
3 tablespoons butter
10 sage leaves
1 1/2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
Shredded parmesan (garnish)
1. Combine breadcrumbs, grated parmesan, ricotta, cooked spinach, olive oil, egg, salt and milk until it forms a dough that sticks together.
2. Divide the dough into balls. Take one ball, flatten and place a cube of fontina cheese in the center, wrap the dough around the cheese. Dust with flour and set aside. Repeat with remaining dough balls.
3. Cook the bread dumplings in boiling water. They are ready when they float to the surface. Remove with a slotted spoon and set aside.
4. Heat olive oil in a large pan over medium high heat. Add the bread dumplings and cook until golden brown on all sides.
5. Add butter and sage, toss to coat. Plate the bread dumplings. In the same pan with butter and sage, carefully add the balsamic vinegar and remove from heat.
6. Spoon the balsamic butter sage sauce over the bread dumplings.
7. Garnish with shredded parmesan and enjoy!
Music provided by Audio Network. Used with permission
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Spinach and Cheese Bread Dumplings [Tasty]

Suscribete a mi canal, solo haz click aquí: http://goo.gl/OPGDX8
Muchas personas me han preguntado como le hize cuando me mude a Mexico hace 3 años y pues ya que es mucha la demanda pues decidí contarles un poco mi experiencia, espero les sirva de algo.
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Quieres mandarme algo??
Yessica Perez
ApartadoPostal # 2
Huejotzingo Puebla 74160
For those of you who speak english, check out my english channel:
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Mi experiencia en la mudanza Nueva York - Mexico [larecetadelaabuelita]

Vamos a hacer un relleno muy fácil y rico para una empanada gallega casera: con atún y pimientos. Te enseño cómo rellenar la masa de empanada paso a paso en esta receta. ¡A disfrutarla!
Puedes ver aquí cómo hice la masa de la empanada: https://youtu.be/jzWtkAmZ0os
¡Recetas nuevas lunes y jueves!
Recetas saladas: http://bit.ly/1pzMZal
Recetas dulces: http://bit.ly/1rEN14v
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Relleno de empanada gallega | Receta fácil [Tuiwok Estilo]

Más en http://elcocinerofiel.com/
200 g de azúcar
100 g de azúcar moreno
350 ml de aceite de girasol
4 huevos
250 g de harina
10 g de levadura química
10 g de canela en polvo
5 g de sal
5 zanahorias ralladas
100 g de nueces
120 g de mantequilla a temperatura ambiente
125 g de crema de queso
300 g de azúcar glas
1 cucharada de extracto de vainilla
Si te ha gustado, recomiendo también esta receta de banana bread: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Vd65U...
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CARROT CAKE PARA LA VISTA [elcocinerofiel]

Receta de alubias con chorizo fácil de preparar.
Imprime la receta en:http://cocinaycomparte.com/recipes/gu...
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Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPornoc...
Música: http://www.andresvil.com/
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Guisado de alubias con chorizo [Cocina al Natural]

INGREDIENTES y receta para imprimir: http://wp.me/p33Upb-1nd
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lohecocinadoyo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lohecocinadoyo
Instagram: https://instagram.com/lohecocinadoyo/
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/lohecocinad...
Y puedes ver otras recetas en mi blog: http://lohecocinadoyo.com/
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Cómo hacer un Pastel con Crema de Mantequilla | LHCY [Lo He Cocinado Yo - Fuensanta]

Here is what you'll need!
1 cup powdered sugar
8 ounces cream cheese, softened
1 cup creamy peanut butter
16 ounces whipped topping, divided
Graham crackers
Hard shell chocolate sauce
optional toppings:
crushed peanuts
rainbow sprinkles
mini chocolate chips
12 jam jars
1. In a large mixing bowl beat together powdered sugar, cream cheese, and peanut butter.
2. Fold in 8 ounces of the whipped topping
3. Crush half a graham cracker into the bottom or a jam jar.
4. Drizzle a layer off hard shell over the graham cracker (this will firm up and act as a barrier to ensure the graham crackers stay crunchy)
5. Spoon in the peanut butter pie mixture, filling the jam jar 3/4 of the way
6. Top off with whipped topping and additional toppings to your liking
7. Chill the jars in the fridge for at least 1 hour before serving
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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No-Bake Peanut Butter Pie Jars [Tasty]

Aqui te presento una de mis pizzas favoritas "Mar y Tierra" muy al estilo de toque y sazón que de seguro te encantará. No olvides seguirme en las redes sociales Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TOQUEYSAZON/ Twitter: @toqueysazon Instagram: toque_y_sazon
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Como hacer Pizza Mar y Tierra "paso a paso" (TOQUE Y SAZÓN) [TOQUEYSAZON]

Cómo hacer una divertida pizza en forma de bolas. Podéis rellenarla de lo que os apetezca. De acompañamiento, os propongo una salsa marinara. Receta paso a paso.
Cómo hacer la salsa marinara: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Pn0r2...
INGREDIENTES: 2-4 personas
Para la masa de pizza:
500 g de harina de trigo
325 g de agua templada
1/2 cucharadita de sal
1/2 cucharadita de azúcar moreno
7 g de levadura seca de panadería
Para el relleno:
Salsa pesto
Tomate seco en aceite
Mozzarella rallada
Para la salsa marinara:
5 tomates pera
10-12 hojas de albahaca
1 ajo
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Post: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/2016/04...
Tabla de equivalencias: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/p/tabla...
Mis utensilios de cocina: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/p/donde...
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lasrecetasdemj
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Instagram: http://instagram.com/lasrecetasdemj
© Las Recetas de MJ
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PIZZA BALLS (BOLAS DE PIZZA) | Las Recetas de MJ [Las Recetas de MJ]

Cómo hacer agua de higo con menta.
Imprime la receta en:http://cocinaycomparte.com/recipes/ag...
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Música: http://www.andresvil.com/
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Agua de higo con menta [Cocina al Natural]

Here is what you'll need!
Serves 4
1 pound ground beef
½ cup seasoned breadcrumbs
½ finely minced onion
1 egg
½ tablespoon salt (for meatballs)
½ tablespoon pepper (for meatballs)
2 tablespoons canola oil
2 cups beef broth
2 cups milk
½ tablespoon salt (for sauce)
½ tablespoon pepper (for sauce)
1 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
4 cups egg noodles
1 cup shredded parmesan cheese
½ cup chopped parsley
1. In a large bowl, combine the ground beef, breadcrumbs, onion, egg, salt, and pepper, mixing until evenly combined. Heat the canola oil in a pot over medium-high heat. Take about a golf-ball size of the meatball mixture and roll it into balls. Place the meatballs into the pot, cooking for one minute. Flip the meatballs.
2. Add the beef broth, milk, salt, pepper, and Worcestershire sauce and give it a stir. Bring the liquid to a boil, then add the egg noodles. Stir constantly until the pasta is cooked and the liquid has reduced to a sauce that coats the noodles, about seven to eight minutes. Add the parmesan and the parsley, stirring until the cheese is melted. Serve!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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One-Pot Swedish Meatball Pasta [Tasty]

Aprende con este vídeo a como hacer unas tortitas americanas esponjosas y deliciosas ideales para tomar como desayuno o merienda. También son conocidas como hot cakes caseros o pancakes y se suelen complementar con sirope de arce o miel.
La receta está explicada paso a paso y de forma sencilla, para que os sea fácil hacerla. ¡Seguro que os saldrá deliciosa!
Espero que os guste y si tenéis alguna duda u opinión la dejéis en los comentarios.
Un saludo y hasta la próxima!
Cocina para Todos
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Tortitas Americanas Fáciles y Esponjosas | Hot Cakes | Pancakes [Cocina Para Todos]

French Onion Soup
Servings: 4-6
4 Tbsp. olive oil
2 Tbsp. butter
6 cups yellow onions, thinly sliced
1 tsp salt
1/2 tsp sugar
3 Tbsp. flour
6 cups beef stock
1 cup white wine
1/2 tsp ground sage
1 whole bay leaf
1 loaf french bread, or baguette
2 Tbsp. olive oil
1/2 an onion, grated
3 Tbsp. cognac (optional)
12 oz swiss cheese, grated
salt, to taste
pepper, to taste
4 oz parmesan cheese, grated
Preheat Oven To 325˚F/160˚C
1. In a large pot over medium-low heat, heat olive oil and add butter.
2. Once the butter is melted, stir the onions and coat with oil and butter. Cover and cook for 20 minutes, checking occasionally.
3. Turn up the heat to medium-high. Add 1/2 tsp salt and sugar. Stir & keep cooking until onions are brown and caramelized. (the bottom of the pan will develop some browning, it’s very important!)
4. Stir in flour one tablespoon at a time and cook for about 30 seconds.
5. Add 1 cup of the beef broth. Use a whisk to scrape up (deglaze) the browned bits stuck on the bottom of the pan.
6. Add the remaining 5 cups of beef stock, wine, sage and bay leaf. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer, uncovered, for 40 minutes.
7. In the meantime, cut the french bread or baguette into 1/2 inch thick pieces. Brush with oil on both sides and bake at 325˚F/160˚C for 30 minutes, flipping halfway. Once they are done, increase oven temperature to 350˚F/175˚C.
8. In an oven safe bowl, pour the onion soup, filling about 3/4 of the way full. Top with a piece of baked french bread, and generously sprinkle swiss and parmesan on top.
9. Bake for 2-3 minutes or until the cheese has melted completely and become slightly golden.
10. Serve & enjoy!!
Inspired by: Julia Child
Music provided by Audio Network. Used with permission
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French Onion Soup [Tasty]

Suscribete a mi canal, solo haz click aquí: http://goo.gl/OPGDX8
En esta ocasión haremos un rico desayuno unos ricos huevos rancheros que están para chuparse los dedos, espero les guste!!
Ingredientes: Rinde 4 porciones
6 jitomates
4 chiles serranos
1 cebolla
1 diente de ajo
8 huevos
8 tortillas
Queso fresco y frijoles para acompañar
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Quieres mandarme algo??
Yessica Perez
ApartadoPostal # 2
Huejotzingo Puebla 74160
For those of you who speak english, check out my english channel:
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Receta de Huevos Rancheros [larecetadelaabuelita]

Here is what you'll need!
Servings: 3
3 strips of bacon, chopped
1 cup of flour
1 to 2 cups of chicken stock
1 can of premade biscuit dough
cooked breakfast sausage (4 cooked links)
shredded cheddar (~⅓ cup)
3 eggs, cooked to your preference
chopped chives (~2 teaspoon)
1. Fry bacon until browned and crispy, render out as much fat as possible. Remove the crispy bacon and set aside for later use. Keep the bacon fat which will be used to make the gravy.
2. Make the bacon gravy in the same pan that you fried the bacon. Add flour to the pan and stir until flour forms thick paste. Cook for about a minute without burning the flour. Slowly stir in the chicken stock. Keep stirring until you have a smooth consistency. Simmer until the sauce thickens. Keep warm and set aside.
3. Flatten biscuit dough and cut into strips. Deep fry (oil at 350°F/175°C) until brown and crispy. Drain on paper towels, and place on baking sheet. Repeat with remaining biscuit dough.
4. Layer the fried biscuit dough on the baking sheet. Sprinkle the cooked breakfast sausage, fried bacon, shredded cheddar and top with eggs.
5. Broil for 5 - 10 minutes or until the shredded cheddar has melted.
6. Remove from oven, sprinkle on the chopped chives and drizzle on the bacon gravy. Enjoy!
Music provided by Audio Network. Used with permission
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Breakfast Biscuit Fries [Tasty]

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Solomillo caramelizado con arándanos | Las Recetas de Pepa [LasRecetasDePepa]

Paletas Heladas de Mango con Chamoy. Paletas heladas de pulpa de mango fresco, mango enchilado y chamoy. Receta completa de Jauja Cocina Mexicana, ingredientes y técnicas paso-a-paso para preparar éstas riquisimas paletas heladas. Muy fáciles de hacer, y todo un éxito con los pequeños en el Día del Niño, fiestas de cumpleaños, y festejos familiares. Buen provecho.
Paletas de Coco https://youtu.be/yZi-ysmtphM
Pay de Queso https://youtu.be/4HmJ3G5DuL4
Pastel de Naranja https://youtu.be/zoHt7LfnK7k
Gelatina de Tres Leches https://youtu.be/ITTT_jxgGFI
Gelatina de Mango y Leche https://youtu.be/FtK2x8LEN14
Gelatina de Fresa con Yogurt https://youtu.be/CoKRnanfAm0
Gelatina de Cajeta https://youtu.be/69jD8naTX4Y
Trenza de Hojaldre Rellena de Ate y Queso Crema https://youtu.be/fcLmTqkKAc0
Flan Napolitano https://youtu.be/HhNiEkn_Bws
Buñuelos Mexicanos https://youtu.be/Cdhxm7BZvAg
Galletitas de Nuez https://youtu.be/hEqrwPYWArg
Panque de Naranja https://youtu.be/dFfBVZHXal0
Pastel de Tres Leches Mexicano https://youtu.be/-eefT8Ig5VY
Arroz con Leche Mexicano https://youtu.be/t8833MiX4qY
Champurrado Mexicano https://youtu.be/cdBpSNnCGXg
Mil gracias por suscribirse https://www.youtube.com/user/JaujaCoc...
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Contacto: [email protected]
JARABE: ½ tza azúcar + ½ tza agua
PULPA DE MANGO: 4-5 mangos frescos
PALETAS: chamoy, cubos de mango con chile en polvo, pulpa de mango preparada, chile en polvo
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Paletas Heladas de Mango con Chamoy [Jauja Cocina Mexicana]

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Auxy Ordóñez te regala su libro Postres saludables | Canal Cocina [Canal Cocina]

Receta de pechuga de pollo horneada.
Imprime la receta en:http://cocinaycomparte.com/recipes/pe...
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Pechugas de pollo horneadas [Cocina al Natural]

Here is what you'll need!
serves 4-6
4-6 medium/large russet potatoes
olive oil
1 onion, diced
1 jalapeño, diced
1 pound ground turkey
1 package taco seasoning mix
3 tomatoes, diced
1/4 cup cilantro, chopped
Juice of 1 lime
Toppings (we used)
Sour cream
Shredded cheddar cheese
1. Preheat oven to 350˚F (175˚C)
2. Wash and dry potatoes.
3. Using a fork, pierce potatoes all over. Coat with olive oil and salt. Bake directly on the oven rack for 1 hour.
4. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium/high heat. Add onion and jalapeño – cook until start to soften.
5. Add ground turkey, break apart and season with entire taco seasoning packet. Cook through.
6. Add tomato and allow the mixture to simmer about 2-3 minutes.
7. Remove from heat. Finish with cilantro and lime juice.
8. Remove potatoes from the oven and allow to cool slightly.
9. Cut a wedge from the center, fill with taco mix and top with cheese, guacamole, and sour cream.
10. Enjoy!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Taco Potato (As Made By Hannah Hart) [Tasty]

Here is what you'll need!
- 1 tbsp. garlic - minced
- 1/2 cup onion - chopped
- 1 lb. ground beef
- 1 1/2 cup marinara saucse
- 8 oz shredded mozzarella cheese
- salt & pepper - to taste
- 1 1/2 cup flour
- 2 cups panko bread crumbs
- 4 eggs
- 8 to 10 lasagna noodles - depending on amount of filling in each
- 3 to 4 cups of canola oil for frying - depending on size of pot used
Coat a 10 inch frying pan with olive oil. Add minced garlic and chopped onion, stirring consistently until lightly browned. Add ground beef, stir to mix with onion and garlic. Once beef has begun to brown and water has been released drain water and fat then continue cooking until beef begins to brown and become tender and crispy. Add marinara sauce and mix together. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste, remove heat, and add mozzarella. Stir until Mozzarella binds to mixture.
While mixture cools boil 4 cups of water in medium pot and add lasagna noodles, lay them in across each other in a star formation so they do not bind together, stir regularly. After 8 to 10 minutes drain pasta and allow to cool for 5 minutes. Cut noodles down to 3-4 inch slices and place mixture inside and roll. Place poppers in freezer for 12 minutes.
Dip poppers in egg wash, flour, breadcrumbs then once more in the egg was and breadcrumbs. Freeze for additional 12 minutes.
Heat 3-4 inches of canola oil at medium heat in a pot for 15 minutes, test by splashing drops of water into oil, it should sizzle. Place poppers in oil 3 or 4 at a time until they are golden brown on all sides, allow them to cool for 10-12 minutes and enjoy with marinara sauce to dip!
All music provided by Audio Network and Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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