
Más en http://elcocinerofiel.com/
200 g de harina
100 ml de leche
10 g de azúcar
5 g de sal
5 g de levadura química
10 ml de aceite de girasol
4 muslos de pollo
2 cebollas
2 guindillas frescas
50 g de jengibre rallado
50 g de ajo rallado
2 tallos de lemongrass
50 g de concentrado de tomate
50 g de curry
300 ml de caldo de ave
200 g de yogur
50 g de ghee
300 g de arroz basmati
1 estrella de anís
Pimienta negra molida
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Si te ha gustado, recomiendo también esta receta de cerdo tikka masala: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WvXfj...
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MENÚ COMPLETO DE INDIA ─ elcocinerofiel

Receta de papas gratinadas fácil de preparar.
Imprime la receta en:http://cocinaycomparte.com/recipes/mo...
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Molde de papa ─ Cocina al Natural

Yields: 16 balls
1 can (16.3 oz) biscuit dough
marinara sauce
mozzarella, cut into cubes
3 tablespoons butter, melted
2 cloves garlic, minced
salt and pepper, to taste
1 tbsp italian seasoning
shredded parmesan cheese, for topping
1. Cut each biscuit in half. Press each half into a circle with your thumb.
2. Place a small dollop of marinara sauce, 1 pepperoni, and 1 cube of mozzarella on each biscuit round.
3. Bring the edges up and over, pressing them together and being sure to leave no gaps for the filling to leak out. Lay the pizza bombs on a baking sheet lined with greased parchment paper
4. Combine melted butter, garlic, salt and pepper, and italian seasoning in a small bowl. Brush the butter mixture onto each pizza bomb and top with parmesan.
5. Bake at 375 for 15-20 minutes (until biscuits have nicely browned).
6. Once pizza bombs are cool enough to handle, serve immediately. Enjoy!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Pizza Bombs ─ Tasty

Las papas revolconas son un auténtico manjar! Y si además, las preparas con el mejor pimentón el resultado es increíble. Ya veréis qué receta más fácil os traemos y lo ricas que están.
Si te gustan, no te pierdas las papas arrugadas:
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Patatas Revolconas ─ Recetas de Cocina Casera

Si siempre se te pega el arroz o se te bate sigue estos sencillos pasos y veras, por cada taza de arroz requieres de 2 tazas de liquido en total, ósea que si vas a hacer 2.5 tazas de arroz requieres de 5 tazas de liquido si vas a hacer arroz rojo el liquido ya debe de incluir todos ósea que ya con los jitomates, ajo y cebolla deben ser un total de 5 tazas ya todo licuado vale, el otro tip es que le subas todo el fuego y cuando empieza a hervir le bajes y lo cocines por 20 minutos y lo dejes reposar 5 para que absorba todo y esponje, si eres de los que a cada rato revisas el arroz y lo destapas grabe error porque le bajas la temperatura y por eso no se cose, espero te sea de ayuda, suerte!!
2 1/2 tazas de arroz
5 tazas de agua o caldo de pollo
1/2 cebolla picada
3 dientes de ajo picado
1/2 cubo caldo de pollo en polvo
Sal necesaria
1/2 barrita de mantequilla o 45 gramos
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Quieres mandarme algo??
Yessica Perez
ApartadoPostal # 2
Huejotzingo Puebla 74160
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Receta de arroz blanco con medidas exactas ─ larecetadelaabuelita

Here is what you'll need!
Cream Cheese Filling
1 8-ounce block cream cheese
¼ cup granulated sugar
½ teaspoon vanilla extract
In a medium bowl, mix cream cheese, sugar, and vanilla until smooth.
Strawberry Pastry Diamond
Makes 9 pastries
1 sheet thawed puff pastry
5 strawberries, halved with stems removed
9 tablespoons Cream Cheese Filling, recipe above
powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 400°F.
Cut the puff pastry into 9 equal squares.
Taking one of the squares, fold one of the edges to the opposite edge.
Leaving a ½ centimeter border, cut about ¾ of the way from the bottom of the triangle to the tip on both sides, making sure the cuts do not touch.
Unfold the square.
Taking the top flap, fold it towards the 2 cuts near the bottom.
Take the bottom flap and fold it towards the top edge.
Place about a tablespoon of the cream cheese filling in the middle, then place a strawberry half on top.
Repeat with the remaining pastry squares.
Bake for 15-20 minutes until pastry is golden brown and puffed.
Serve with a sprinkle of powdered sugar!
Raspberry Pastry Flower
Makes 4 pastries
1 sheet thawed puff pastry
20 raspberries
4 tablespoons Cream Cheese Filling, recipe above
Powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 400°F.
Cut the puff pastry into 4 equal squares.
Leaving a ½ centimeter border, make 8 total cuts along the edges of the square, with each cut going about ⅓ of the way through the length of the edge. Make sure the cuts do not touch.
Place a tablespoon of the cream cheese filling in the middle of the square, then top with 4 raspberries.
Take one of the edge flaps and fold it towards the center, looping over the raspberry. Repeat with the other flaps. Place a raspberry in the center, on top of where all the flaps overlap.
Repeat with the remaining pastry squares.
Bake for 15-20 minutes until pastry is golden brown and puffed.
Serve with a sprinkle of powdered sugar!
Blueberry Pastry Pinwheel
Makes 9 pastries
1 sheet thawed puff pastry
36 blueberries
9 tablespoons Cream Cheese Filling, recipe above
Powdered sugar
Preheat oven to 400°F.
Cut the puff pastry into 9 equal squares.
Make 4 cuts on each square, with each cut starting from the outside corners of the square and stopping just short of the center.
Take one of the flaps and fold it towards the center. Fold every other flap towards the center until you have created a pinwheel shape.
Place about a tablespoon of the cream cheese filling in the middle, then place 4 blueberries on top.
Repeat with the remaining pastry squares.
Bake for 15-20 minutes until pastry is golden brown and puffed.
Serve with a sprinkle of powdered sugar!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Puff Pastry 4 Ways ─ Tasty

Panqué de Nuez. Panqué de Nuez suavecito y esponjado con chispas de chocolate. Receta original de Jauja Cocina Mexicana, pasos y tips para preparar Panqué de Nuez a la perfección. Sabrosisimo, y el favorito de la familia. Buen provecho.
Mangonadas con Chamoy https://youtu.be/JKnaebDXnCM
Paletas de Coco https://youtu.be/yZi-ysmtphM
Pay de Queso https://youtu.be/4HmJ3G5DuL4
Gelatina de Tres Leches https://youtu.be/ITTT_jxgGFI
Gelatina de Mango y Leche https://youtu.be/FtK2x8LEN14
Gelatina de Fresas con Crema https://youtu.be/vT2aCWgQEqw
Gelatina de Cajeta https://youtu.be/69jD8naTX4Y
Pastel de Naranja https://youtu.be/zoHt7LfnK7k
Trenza de Hojaldre Rellena de Ate y Queso Crema https://youtu.be/fcLmTqkKAc0
Churros Mexicanos https://youtu.be/O98yAr5Spa4
Flan Napolitano https://youtu.be/HhNiEkn_Bws
Buñuelos Mexicanos https://youtu.be/Cdhxm7BZvAg
Galletitas de Nuez https://youtu.be/hEqrwPYWArg
Panque de Naranja https://youtu.be/dFfBVZHXal0
Arroz con Leche Mexicano https://youtu.be/t8833MiX4qY
Horchata de Fresa https://youtu.be/KSX_4CFQi4U
Champurrado Mexicano https://youtu.be/cdBpSNnCGXg
Mil gracias por suscribirse https://www.youtube.com/user/JaujaCoc...
Facebook https://www.facebook.com/JaujaCocinaM...
Twitter https://twitter.com/JaujaCocinaMex
Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jaujacocina...
Contacto: [email protected]
2 tza harina trigo todo uso (250 gm), ⅛, cdta sal, ½ cdta bicarbonate, 1 ½ cdta polvo hornear, 125 gm mantequilla, 1 tza azúcar (200 gm), 2 huevos grandes, 1 tza crema ácida (200 gm), 1 ½ cdta vainilla
100 gm nuez, ⅓ tza chispas chocolate, ¼ tza azúcar + 2 cdta canela
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Panque de Nuez ─ Jauja Cocina Mexicana

Disfruta nuestro Mugcake de Chocolate o Bizcocho a la taza casero. Una receta fácil y rápida para un desayuno completo. Terminarás más que saciado!
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Mugcake de Chocolate o Bizcocho a la taza ─ Recetas de Cocina Casera

Cómo hacer unos tradicionales chipirones en su tinta. A modo de divertimento también hacemos un crujiente de tinta de calamar y acompañamos el plato con un pesto de guisantes. Receta paso a paso.
INGREDIENTES: 4 personas
500 g de chipirones
1 cebolleta
1 ajo
6 cucharadas/soperas de tomate triturado
1 pimiento verde pequeño
1/2 vaso de vino blanco
1 chorrito de coñac
500 ml de caldo de pescado
2 cucharadas de tinta de calamar
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Para el crujiente:
80 ml de caldo de pescado
80 ml de aceite de oliva virgen extra
1 cucharadita de tinta de calamar
12 g de maicena
Para el pesto de guisantes:
10 vainas de guisantes frescos
4 hojas de albahaca fresca
20 g de parmesano reggiano
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Post: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/2016/05...
Tabla de equivalencias: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/p/tabla...
Mis utensilios de cocina: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/p/donde...
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Tacos de col con carne de res.
Imprime la receta en: http://cocinaycomparte.com/recipes/ta...
Watch video in ENGLISH: https://youtu.be/copa9QaOPqA
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Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPornoc...
Música: http://www.andresvil.com/
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Tacos de carne de res con repollo ─ Cocina al Natural

Here is what you'll need!
1 tablespoon. olive oil
4 cloves garlic, minced
1 pound baby carrots
8 boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 teaspoon garlic powder
1 teaspoon dried basil
½ cup balsamic vinegar
1 onion, sliced
1 pound green beans
fresh chopped parsley for garnish
1. Pour olive oil and garlic in the bottom of a 6-qt slow cooker. Line the bottom with baby carrots, then place the chicken thighs over the carrots.
2. Season the chicken thighs with salt, pepper, garlic powder, basil and vinegar. Top with sliced onion.
3. Cover and cook on low heat for 8 hours or high for 4 hours. Add green beans during the last 30 minutes of cooking time.
4. Sprinkle with fresh chopped parsley and serve immediately. Enjoy!
5. Toss salad with dressing. Add tortilla chips to the sides of the bowls and enjoy!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Slow Cooker Balsamic Chicken ─ Tasty

Here is what you'll need!
Chicken Bacon Broccoli Alfredo
Serves 2-3
2 tablespoons canola oil
2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, diced
½ teaspoon salt
½ teaspoon pepper
2 cloves garlic, chopped
2 cups broccoli florets
2 cups milk
1 cup parmesan, shredded
¼ cup parsley, chopped
4 strips cooked bacon, crumbled
½ pound cooked spaghetti
1. Heat oil in a pot over medium-high heat.
2. Cook the chicken with the salt and pepper.
3. Add the garlic and broccoli, cooking for 1-2 minutes.
4. Add the milk, Parmesan, parsley, and bacon, bringing to a boil.
5. Add the spaghetti, and toss until evenly coated and sauce sticks to the noodles.
6. Serve!
Garlic Shrimp Scampi
Serves 2-3
3 tablespoons butter
3 cloves garlic, chopped
1 pound shrimp, peeled and deveined
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
Juice of ½ lemon
1 teaspoon red chili flakes
¼ cup parsley, chopped
½ pound cooked spaghetti
1. Melt the butter in a pot over medium heat.
2. Cook the garlic until it starts to brown.
3. Add the shrimp, salt, and pepper, cooking until shrimp is pink all the way through.
4. Add the lemon juice, chili flakes, and parsley.
5. Add the spaghetti, and toss until evenly coated.
6. Serve!
Spinach Mushroom Pesto Spaghetti
Serves 2-3
1 tablespoon canola oil
5 ounces spinach
2 cups mushrooms, sliced
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
1 cup pesto
½ cup Parmesan
½ pound cooked spaghetti
1. Heat oil in a pot over medium-high heat
2. Cook the spinach until wilted.
3. Add the mushrooms, salt, and pepper cooking until most of the water is gone.
4. Add the pesto and Parmesan.
5. Add the spaghetti, and toss until evenly coated, with the sauce sticking to the noodles.
6. Serve!
Tomato Basil Sausage Spaghetti
Serves 2-3
½ pound ground sausage
½ onion, diced
1 teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon pepper
2 cups marinara sauce
1 cup milk
½ cup basil, chopped
½ pound cooked spaghetti
1. Cook the sausage in a pot over medium-high heat.
2. Add the onions, salt, and pepper, cooking until the onions are translucent and sausage is starting to brown.
3. Add the marinara, milk, and basil, cooking until sauce has thickened slightly.
4. Add the spaghetti, and toss until evenly coated and sauce sticks to the noodles.
5. Serve!
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Spaghetti 4 Ways ─ Tasty

Una receta muy original y fácil de hacer: trufas de chocolate blanco, coco y piña colada. ¡Están deliciosas! Un postre diferente, divertido y que seguro triunfará cuando lo hagas.
Más recetas de cocina creativa y original:
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Trufas de coco y piña colada | Receta fácil y original ─ Tuiwok Estilo

Nopales con salsa de adobo fácil y rápido.
Imprime la receta en:http://cocinaycomparte.com/recipes/no...
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Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPornoc...
Música: http://www.andresvil.com/
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Nopales adobados con salsa de chiles ─ Cocina al Natural

Aprende con este vídeo a como hacer leche o bebida de avena casera sana y nutritiva. La avena es un alimento rico el fibra soluble con gran poder saciante y contiene nutrientes como los betaglucanos que son importantes para mantener el normal estado cardiovascular y los niveles de colesterol y triglicéridos.
La receta está explicada paso a paso y de forma sencilla, para que os sea fácil hacerla. ¡Seguro que os saldrá deliciosa!
Orielos Kitchen: https://www.youtube.com/user/Orielo
Espero que os guste y si tenéis alguna duda u opinión la dejéis en los comentarios.
Un saludo y hasta la próxima!
Cocina para Todos
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Cómo hacer Leche de Avena Casera | Receta Fácil y Rápida! ─ Cocina Para Todos

Cómo hacer unas patatas gratinadas al horno con panceta y jamón ibérico. Un "platazo" fácil y rápido de hacer. Receta paso a paso.
INGREDIENTES: 6-8 personas
4 patatas pequeñas
200 ml de nata para cocinar
1 huevo
50 g de queso gruyere rallado
6-8 lonchas de panceta ibérica curada
Jamón ibérico
1 diente de ajo
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Nuez moscada
Post: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/2016/05...
Tabla de equivalencias: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/p/tabla...
Mis utensilios de cocina: http://www.lasrecetasdemj.com/p/donde...
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Más en http://elcocinerofiel.com/
Masa para 4 pizzas:
½ l de agua
800 g de harina aprox.
50 g de sal
2,5 g de levadura
Por pizza:
250 g de masa
150 g de mozzarella
90 g de tomate
4 hojas de albahaca
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
Si te ha gustado, recomiendo también esta receta de calzone napolitano: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YcmiR...
Puedes suscribirte al canal en: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_...
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Here is what you'll need!
Makes 20-25 mini eclairs
1 pack graham crackers
½ cup unsalted butter, cubed
1 teaspoon salt
1 cup water
3/4 cup flour
4 eggs (+1 for egg wash)
14 ounces marshmallow fluff
4 ounces dark chocolate bar
½ cup heavy cream
Mini marshmallows for decorating
1. Preheat oven to 425˚F (220˚C)
2. In a medium saucepan, add the butter, water, and salt over medium heat. Allow all the butter to melt and bring the mixture to a boil.
3. As soon as the mixture begins to boil, reduce heat to medium-low and add in the flour and graham cracker crumbs. Using a wooden spoon, mix thoroughly to combine.
4. Continue stirring (about two minutes). The dough should form into a ball and easily pull away from the sided of the pan. Remove the mixture from heat and leave to cool for 5 minutes.
5. Add in the eggs to the cooled dough, one at a time, being sure to fully incorporate each egg before adding the next. (The eggs will initially be difficult to incorporate into the dough - but continue stirring vigorously and they will eventually come together to form a smooth shiny dough)
6. Once the dough comes together, transfer it to a piping bag and pipe onto a parchment-paper-lined baking sheet into 2-3 inch logs.
7. Smooth out any peaks/tails caused by piping with a wet fingertip (this will ensure your eclairs cook evenly and maintain an even shape)
8. Brush the eclairs with beaten egg.
9. Bake in a preheated oven for 10 minutes at 425˚F. Then, without opening the oven, reduce heat to 350˚ (175˚C) and bake for an additional 15 minutes.
10. Remove eclairs from oven. Using the tip of a knife, cut a small “x” into the bottom of each eclair and transfer (“x” side up) to a cooling rack. (this will allow any excess steam/moisture to escape ensuring your eclairs maintain their shape).
11. Fill a piping bag fitted with a narrow tip with marshmallow fluff.
12. Just before serving, pipe the fluff into the cooled eclairs.
13. Break apart chocolate and add to a small microwave safe bowl.
14. To a separate, small microwave safe bowl, add the heavy cream.
15. Microwave the cream for one minute. Remove and immediately pour the hot cream over the chocolate pieces. Stir until the chocolate has melted and a nice ganache has formed. (if necessary place the bowl with chocolate and cream in the microwave for 10 second increments, stirring after each until smooth).
16. Dip the top side of the filled eclairs into the melted chocolate.
16. Sprinkle with additional graham cracker crumbs and top with mini marshmallows (if you have a kitchen torch you can “toast” the marshmallows to make them super cute)
16. Best served immediately. Enjoy!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Mini S’mores Eclair ─ Tasty

Here is what you'll need!
Servings: 8 scones
2/3 cup heavy cream
1 large egg, lightly beaten
1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract
1 3/4 cups all purpose flour
1/4 cup Dutch-processed unsweetened cocoa powder
1/2 cup granulated sugar
2 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1/4 teaspoon salt
1/3 cup cold unsalted butter, cut into small pieces
2/3 cup dark chocolate chips
For glaze (optional)
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1/2 cup powdered sugar
3 tablespoons milk
1. Preheat the oven to 375F/190C and place rack in center of oven.
2. In a small bowl whisk together heavy cream, egg, and vanilla extract.
3. In a large bowl, whisk together flour, cocoa powder, sugar, baking powder and salt.
4. Using a pastry blender or two knives, cut the butter into the flour mixture until it resembles coarse crumbs. Stir in the chocolate chips. Add the cream mixture and stir just until the dough comes together (add more cream and/or flour as necessary).
5. Transfer the dough to a lightly floured surface and knead a few times. Shape the dough into a 7-inch round and cut into eight wedges. Place them on the baking sheet.
6. Bake for about 20 minutes or until they are firm around the edges but a bit soft in the center. A toothpick inserted into the center of a scone will come out clean. Cool on a wire rack.
7. Drizzle with glaze (optional).
8. Enjoy!
All music provided by Audio Network and Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Triple Chocolate Scones ─ Tasty

Recetas de pollo para hipertensos.
Pollo en salsa de chileancho:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rKrFc...
Pollo con verduras al ajillo:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aZ--F...
Pollo en caldillo con verduras:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aW6H7...
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Recetas fáciles con pollo para hipertensos ─ Cocina al Natural

Here is what you'll need!
Serving: 9 kebabs
2 pound beef sirloin, cut into 1 inch cubes
1 tablespoon. garlic, minced
1/2 teaspoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon cumin
1/2 teaspoon paprika
1 teaspoon distilled white vinegar
1/2 cup olive oil
3 bell peppers (red, yellow and green), cut into 1 inch pieces
1 red onion, cut into 1 inch pieces
Garlic sauce
1 cup garlic cloves, peeled
1 tsp salt
4 cups vegetable oil
1 lemon, juiced
1. In a re-sealable freezer bag, add beef, garlic, coriander, cumin, paprika, white vinegar, and olive oil. Seal the bag and distribute seasonings. Allow to marinate in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
2. In a food processor, add garlic cloves and pulse until the garlic becomes finely minced.
3. Add salt and pulse until well incorporated. Scrape down the sides of the bowl if you see the garlic building up on the sides.
4. Turn on the food processor and keep it on. In a thin stream pour 1/2 cup of oil followed by 1/2 tsp of lemon juice. Keep alternating until you have used all of the oil and lemon juice. The garlic sauce should become light, fluffy and creamy.
5. Store garlic sauce in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 1 week!
6. Preheat the grill on high.
7. To assemble the kebabs, spray skewers with non-stick cooking spray and alternate threading beef, onions and bell peppers onto the skewer.
8. Cook 5-7 minutes on each side.
9. Serve kebabs with garlic sauce, salad, rice, hummus, and pita bread.
10: Enjoy!
Music provided by Audio Network. Used with permission
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Beef Kebab with Garlic Sauce ─ Tasty

Here is what you'll need!
Servings: 2-4
1 rack baby back ribs, halved
2 teaspoons cumin
2 teaspoons chili powder
1 teaspoon pepper
2 teaspoons garlic powder
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons paprika
1 cup bbq sauce
3 ears corn, husked and halved
10-15 stalks asparagus
4 tablespoons olive oil
2 teaspoons salt
½ teaspoon pepper
1. Preheat oven to 275°F.
2. Place the half racks on a baking sheet lined with foil. Sprinkle evenly with cumin, chili powder, pepper, garlic powder, salt, and paprika. Rub in the seasoning evenly on both sides.
3. Cover with the foil and bake for 2 hours.
4. Increase oven temperature to 500°F.
5. Remove the ribs from the foil and place on baking sheet. Spread the bbq sauce evenly on the top.
6. Place the corn on one side of the pan, and the asparagus on the other. Drizzle the olive oil, salt, and pepper evenly over the veggies, and rub the seasoning in evenly.
7. Bake for 10 minutes. Rest the ribs at least 10 minutes.
8. Slice and serve!
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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One-Pan Baby Back Ribs ─ Tasty

Recetas para preparar deliciosas botanas.
Ensalada de chicharrón:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qcyeO...
Chiles jalapeños rellenos de camarón con piña:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qH5uq...
Empanadas de carne con queso:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R9Wld...
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Recetas fáciles y rápidas para preparar botanas ─ Cocina al Natural

Servings: 1 drink
6 maraschino cherries
1 ounce lime juice
3 ounce vodka
6 ounce ginger beer
Edible flowers, to garnish
1. In a glass, muddle maraschino cherries and lime juice.
2. Add vodka and stir.
3. In a copper mug, pour cherry mixture over ice and top it off with ginger beer.
4. Add edible flowers for garnish
5. Serve & enjoy!
All music provided by Audio Network and Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Cherry Moscow Mule ─ Tasty

Spinach and Cheese Pork Roulade
Servings: 3-4
Herb and Olive Oil Rub:
⅓ cup olive oil
2 tablespoons rosemary
1 tablespoon thyme
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons pepper
3 garlic cloves, minced
Spinach and Cheese Pork:
1 tablespoon olive oil
3 garlic cloves, minced
3 cups spinach
Salt & pepper
½ cup ricotta
½ cup parmesan
2 teaspoons salt
2 teaspoons pepper
1 ½ lbs of pork loin, butterflied and pounded flat
2 cups of carrots
2 cups of onions
3 cups of potatoes
Olive oil
Salt & pepper
1. In a small mixing bowl, combine the herb and olive oil rub ingredients. Set aside until ready for use.
2. Over low heat, cook spinach with olive oil, garlic cloves and salt & pepper to taste. Cook spinach 1-2 minutes just until wilted.
3. Transfer the cooked spinach to a large bowl. Add ricotta, parmesan, salt and pepper. Mix until well combined.
4. Lay out the pork loin, butterfly and pound until flat and even. Spread the spinach and cheese mix on the pork loin.
5. Roll so that the spinach and cheese mix is on the inside. Secure with kitchen twine.
6. Rub the herb and oil mix all over the rolled pork. Sear on all sides until golden and slightly crispy. Set aside.
7. Spread carrots, onions and potatoes on baking sheet. Drizzle with olive oil and season with salt & pepper. Place rolled pork on top of the bed of carrots, onions and potatoes.
8. Roast at 425°F/220°C for 45 minutes, or until the internal temperature reads 145°F for medium rare or 160°F for medium.
9. Remove from oven and let the pork rest for 15 minutes before you remove the twine and slice.
10. Serve with carrots, onions and potatoes. Enjoy!
Music provided by Audio Network. Used with permission
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Spinach and Cheese Pork Roll ─ Tasty

Truco para cortar la cebolla en brunoise sin llorar en la serie Caprichos de #Gordor ¡SUSCRÍBETE a nuestro canal! http://bit.ly/198Cnxl
En esta episodio de #Gordor, Gonzalo nos enseña uno de sus trucos de cocina. El cocinero argentino nos da una de sus famosas lecciones de cocina, cómo hacer un corte brunoise perfecto con una cebolla y no llorar. ¡No llores, que no es para tanto, que #DóndeHayPeloHayAlegría!
Si quieres leer el truco paso a paso, mira nuestra web: http://canalcocina.es/sabias-que/truc...
Caprichos de #Gordor es la nueva serie de Canal Cocina para YouTube, protagonizada por Gonzalo D’Ambrosio, presentador en el canal de televisión de Fácil y resultón y de Un trío en la cocina. El chef argentino nos abre las puertas de su casa para cocinar sus caprichos de #Gordor, el hashtag que define todas y cada una de las recetas preparadas por este genio de los fogones. Caprichos dulces, ideas para desayunar, tapas y picoteo con los amigos y muchas sorpresas, con apariciones estelares del mundo de Gonzalo D'Ambrosio.
Puedes encontrar todas las recetas de la serie en nuestra web CanalCocina.es: http://canalcocina.es/programa/capric...
Además, puedes ver todos los vídeos de esta serie Caprichos de #Gordor en nuestra playlist oficial: http://bit.ly/1OeELXm
¡No olvides que puedes dejar todas tus preguntas, ideas para nuevos vídeos, etc. en la caja de Comentarios más abajo!
¡BIENVENIDO al canal oficial de Canal Cocina en Youtube!
Canal Cocina es el único canal de televisión en España especializado en gastronomía. La comida nos une en Canal Cocina.
Producido íntegramente por AMC NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL IBERIA, Canal Cocina puede verse a través de los principales operadores de televisión de pago.
Nuevas publicaciones en nuestro canal de YouTube cada martes y viernes. Los viernes a las 12h siempre estrenamos un episodio de nuestra serie exclusiva para YouTube mientras que los martes a las 12h encontrarás un contenido extraído de nuestro canal de televisión: nuevas recetas, visitas a restaurantes, viajes gastronómicos… todo con Calidad HD.
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Cortar cebolla sin llorar - El truco de Gonzalo D'Ambrosio | Caprichos de #Gordor ─ Canal Cocina

En este segundo vlog os llevo a 3 eventos gastronómicos diferentes en Barcelona. Como receta exprés hacemos un cruasán relleno.
Aparecen en este video:
Natalia / Roberto @ceviche103
Bruno Romero @MO_BARCELONA
Carles @carlitusA
Daniel @danielarbos
Carolina @CocinadCarolina
Tere /lasmariacocinillas
Jurado Young Chef:
Joan Roca
Andoni L. Aduriz
Leonel Pereira
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© Las Recetas de MJ
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VLOG #2 | DE EVENTO EN EVENTO | Croissant relleno ─ Las Recetas de MJ

Receta de mousse de chocolate, fácil y delicioso.
Imprime la receta en:http://cocinaycomparte.com/recipes/mo...
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Video: https://www.youtube.com/user/MrPornoc...
Música: http://www.andresvil.com/
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Mousse de chocolate - Receta fácil y práctica ─ Cocina al Natural

Here is what you'll need!
Servings: 4
White sauce
1 cup plain yogurt
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar (or white vinegar)
1 lemon, juiced
½ teaspoon sugar
½ teaspoon salt
2 pounds boneless, skinless chicken thighs
1 lemon, juiced
1 teaspoon dried oregano
2 teaspoons ground coriander
1 ½ teaspoons salt
¼ teaspoon black pepper
4 cloves garlic, minced
¼ cup olive oil
2 tablespoons butter
1 ½ teaspoons ground turmeric
1 teaspoon ground cumin
2 cups basmati or long grain white rice
2 cups chicken stock
½ teaspoon salt
Sriracha, harissa or your favorite hot sauce (optional to serve)
Fresh parsley (optional for garnish)
1. Whisk together all sauce ingredients in a small bowl. Refrigerate until ready to use. 2. Toss chicken with lemon juice, oregano, coriander, salt, pepper, garlic and olive oil. Marinade at least 15 minutes, an hour is ideal.
3. Heat a large pot over high heat and add enough oil to coat the bottom lightly.
4. In a large saucepan, cook the chicken in batches until done. Remove from pan, set aside and keep warm.
5. In the same pot you cooked the chicken, add the butter, rice, turmeric and cumin. Stir to coat, cook about 1-2 minutes.
6. Add chicken stock and salt and bring to a boil.
7. Turn heat down to low, cover and cook 15 minutes. Fluff with a fork when finished and remove from heat.
8. When everything is done, dice the chicken.
9. Serve chicken pieces on top of rice, drizzle with the white sauce and add hot sauce if desired.
10. Enjoy!
Recipe by Carrie Hildebrand
Music provided by Audio Network. Used with permission
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NYC Street Cart Style Chicken & Rice ─ Tasty

Más en http://elcocinerofiel.com/
Esta vez, me quedo en la zona de Sants para probar la hamburguesa de Santa Burg y la de Timesburg Sants. A ver qué os parece el paseo.
Si te ha gustado, aquí los dos paseos previos:
Las mejores hamburguesas de Barcelona I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfcbR...
Las mejores hamburguesas de Barcelona II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j7efK...
Puedes suscribirte al canal en: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_...
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/elcocinerofiel
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Servings: 9-12 large tots
1 small block low-moisture mozzarella
12 slices pepperoni
3 1/2 cups hash browns
1 tablespoon Italian seasoning
1 tablespoon salt
1 tablespoon garlic powder
1 egg, beaten
Oil for frying
Marinara sauce for dipping
1. Cut block of mozzarella into small cubes, about a 1/2 inch (1.5cm).
2. Cut pepperoni in half.
3. In a mixing bowl, combine hash browns, Italian seasoning, salt, garlic powder and egg. Mix well.
4. Grab a small handful of the hash brown mixture and flatten out in the palm of your hand.
5. Place 1 or 2 slices of pepperoni and a cube of cheese on top.
6. Fold the hash brown mixture around the cheese and pepperoni. Squeeze and compress until the mixture completely covers the filling and stays in a cylindrical form. Repeat until all of the mixture is used.
7. Freeze tots for 20+ minutes.
8. In a large saucepan, heat oil to 350ËF (180ËC). Fry tots in batches, three at a time, until golden brown. Drain on paper towel.
9. Serve immediately with marinara sauce.
Music provided by Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission
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Pizza Tots ─ Tasty

Vamos a hacer un plato muy rico y saludable: salmón con salsa de cítricos. Una receta muy fácil de preparar en la Thermochef.
¡Recetas nuevas lunes y jueves!
Recetas saladas: http://bit.ly/1pzMZal
Recetas dulces: http://bit.ly/1rEN14v
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Salmón con salsa de cítricos ─ Tuiwok Estilo

Receta Pastel fácil de chocolate blanco sin gluten apto para celíacos de Gonzalo D'Ambrosio. ¡SUSCRÍBETE a nuestro canal! http://bit.ly/198Cnxl
Receta muy rápida, gluten free y muy fácil de preparar de Pastel fácil de chocolate blanco sin gluten apto para celíacos, creado por Gonzalo D'Ambrosio. Este plato FÁCIL Y RESULTÓN GLUTEN FREE es un postre ideal para disfrutar en familia si uno de sus miembros es celíaco. Con ingredientes sencillos de encontrar y delicioso, gustará a todos.
Puedes ver aquí la receta completa de este Pastel de chocolate blanco sin gluten: http://canalcocina.es/receta/pastel-d...
Puedes ver más recetas para celíacos en Canal Cocina:
En este programa de televisión FACIL Y RESULTÓN se dedica algunos de sus episodios a la enfermedad celíaca, bajo el nombre Festeja Celíaco, el chef Gonzalo D'Ambrosio propone recetas para disfrutar en familia gluten free:
Encuentra más recetas APTAS PARA CELÍACOS en nuestra Playlist: http://bit.ly/1OgKFlz
¡BIENVENIDO al canal oficial de Canal Cocina en Youtube!
Canal Cocina es el único canal de televisión en España especializado en gastronomía. La comida nos une en Canal Cocina.
Nuevas publicaciones en nuestro canal de Youtube cada martes y viernes. Siempre encontrarás al menos una nueva receta o un nuevo vídeo de actualidad, turismo y viajes gastronómicos con Calidad HD. Podrás disfrutar de series producidas por Canal Cocina en exclusiva para YouTube.
Producido íntegramente por AMC NETWORKS INTERNATIONAL IBERIA, Canal Cocina puede verse a través de los principales operadores de televisión de pago.
Encuentra más recetas en NUESTRA WEB OFICIAL: http://canalcocina.es/
Haz ME GUSTA en Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/canalcocina
SÍGUENOS en Twitter: https://twitter.com/canalcocina
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Haz ME GUSTA en nuestros Tableros de PINTEREST: http://www.pinterest.com/canalcocina/
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