Mochi Waffles [Tasty]

Here is what you will need!


1 cup of sweet rice flour
1/4 cup of white sugar
1 cup of water
ice cream
whipped cream
chocolate syrup


Combine sweet rice flour, sugar and water in a mixing bowl. Cover and microwave for 3 1/2 minutes. Stir to make sure everything is well combined. Cover and microwave for another 30 seconds. Stir until the mochi batter gets really stick. If your waffle iron has settings, aim for medium heat. Spoon mochi batter into your waffle iron. Don’t add too much, the mochi batter melts and expands quite a bit. Leave the mochi batter in the waffle iron for about 4-5 minutes. Remove the mochi waffle and let it cool, it will crisp up as it cools. Add ice cream, whipped cream, chocolate syrup, raspberries or whatever else you like. Enjoy!

All music provided by Audio Network and Warner Chappell Inc. Used with permission

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