Es La Quinta Vez Que Los Hago! Esponjosos Como Una Nube Bollos Calabazas De Halloween ─ Recetas de Esbieta

Halloween pumpkin buns recipe. With a spongy crumb and light as a cloud. You may have never tried such imponderable muffins. They have me in love. They are midnight style: you can eat them with jam or nutella but you can also eat them with ham and cheese. Ideal for breakfast, snacks and dinner. They remain soft for several days.
#Halloween pumpkin


390 g or 3 tz wheat flour
15 g of fresh yeast or 5 g of dried
40 g of sugar
1 egg
160 ml of water
5 g of salt
25 g butter
120 g roasted pumpkin

My sieve:


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