Recipe of very spongy sweet bread made in pan, WITHOUT oven. These homemade sweet rolls or buns will be a most appetizing breakfast, snack or dessert. They carry inside the filling that can be the one you want: jam, nutella, nocilla, custard, etc. With this recipe you will learn to make some sweet rolls as rich as those in an oven. Your family or guests will be delighted with a tray of these tender, fluffy and delicious sweet breads.
#sweet bread
335 g or 2 cups of wheat flour
9 g of fresh yeast or 3 g of dried
1 egg
125 ml of water
40 g or 4 tablespoons sugar
5 g or 1 teaspoon of salt
30 g or 3 tablespoons olive oil or other
Stuffed to taste: jam, custard, nutella or nocilla
Custard Recipe:
My sieve:
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To read the recipe in writing:
Pan Dulce ESPONJOSO Sin Horno - Recetas De Panes Y Bollos ─ Recetas de Esbieta
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